Relieve Your Pain,

Remove Your Ingrown Toenail

You don’t need to worry about pain in every step anymore. Our highly-trained podiatrists are experts at removing ingrown toenails. We ensure it’s quick and painless.

Our team knows what it’s like to have an ingrown. It’s not fun, and we’d like to help. Ingrown toenails are covered by most insurances, but if not, or you’re not insured, our practice only charges $150 for the removal. Click the button below and relieve your pain.

How It Works

The doctor will examine the affected area and determine the route forward. If appropriate, our team of specialists will prepare the toe for a small operation by administering an anesthetic. They verify numbness before continuing.

The nail is painlessly freed from the skin, then removed. The doctor cleans and disinfects the area. Then, the doctor applies a chemical to prevent further ingrown toenails in the future.

The toe is cleaned again, then bandaged. The specialist then gives the patient instructions on proper care for recovery. The patient is able to leave the clinic painlessly, on their own.